"Remember your Creator before the silver cord is cut, or the golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher shattered at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the well." -- Ecclesiastes 12:6
I lay in the darkness, waiting for sleep that does not come. My anxious desires betray me, as I stare through closed eyes into the void. Watching the colors dance, like stars, in the sky mocking me for being grounded.
I wait and welcome the sensations as they slowly begin to take over. As my body begins to vibrate and the roaring of oceans fill my mind. I try to move, but cannot. Paralyzed, I smile inwardly knowing that soon I will be free.
I think of the stars that I saw, which have now fled to another place and suddenly I can sense the rush of air as it passes around me. I keep distant my fear of the darkness, the speed, the sound and I think of you.
Now, in a room without walls, I am sitting across from you and we are talking - in silence. I can see you clearly as we discuss the many things I never had the chance to say. I am happy to know that the end is truly another begining.
All too quickly, you begin to fade as the distance between us becomes greater. I reach out, but find nothing. I tell myself that I will remember, I won't let myself forget... not again.
As the alarm clock rings... I try to remember my strange, but familiar, dream and cannot.
Once again, I forgot.